Concurrent Queue


The ConcurrentQueue decorator wraps a function with a distributed, blocking queue that ensures only one instance of the function is running at a time. If the function is called while another instance is running, the function will be queued and executed when the previous instance completes.

Because the queue is blocking, the caller will wait until the function completes before continuing. If the caller fails to acquire the lock, a QueueWaitExceeded exception will be thrown. The use-cases for this are limited, but it can be useful in some situations so please consider your application's needs before using this module.


npm i @forts/resilience4ts-concurrent-queue

Create and Configure a Queue

import { ConcurrentQueue } from '@forts/resilience4ts-concurrent-queue';

const queue = ConcurrentQueue.of('my-queue', {
  withKey: (...args: Parameters<MyDecoratedMethod>) => UniqueId,

const result = await queue.on(async () => {
  // do something


Config PropertyDefault ValueDescription
withKeyFunction that returns a unique id for the call from the decorated function args.
maxAttempts10Maximum number of attempts to acquire the lock and execute the function.
backoff0.01Backoff factor to use when retrying to acquire the lock.