Core Concepts

Across all modules under the @forts/resilience4ts namespace, there are a few core concepts that are shared to provide a consistent experience.

Core Configuration

All @forts/resiliencets decorators are backended by the ResilienceProviderService class, which is responsible for providing a unified interface for interacting with the underlying logging and persistence mechanisms. The ResilienceProviderService needs to be initialized prior to using any of the decorators. This can be done by calling the ResilienceProviderService.forRoot, method, which takes in a ResilienceConfig object, or by defining a resilience.toml file in the root of your project.

Example resilience.toml file:

serviceName = "my-service"
collectResourceUsage = true
observationInterval = 3000
maxUtilization = 0.9
maxSafeUtilization = 0.75
maxCpuUtilization = 0.9
maxSafeCpuUtilization = 0.75
delimiter = "::"

redisHost = "localhost"
redisPort = 6379
redisPrefix = "local"
maxConnectionAttempts = 100
maxBackoff = 3000
maxIncrBackoff = 500

Example ResilienceConfig object:

type ResilienceConfig = {
  resilience: {
    serviceName: string;
    serviceVersion?: string;
    delimiter?: string;
    collectResourceUsage?: boolean;
    observationInterval?: number;
    maxUtilization?: number;
    maxSafeUtilization?: number;
    maxCpuUtilization?: number;
    maxSafeCpuUtilization?: number;
  redis: {
  redisHost: string;
  redisPort: number;
  redisPassword?: string;
  redisUser?: string;
  redisPrefix?: string;
  maxConnectionAttempts?: number;
  maxBackoff?: number;
  maxIncrBackoff?: number;
  rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
  useTls?: boolean;

Example ResilienceProviderService.forRoot call:

import { ResilienceProviderService } from '@forts/resilience4ts-core';

async function bootstrap() {
  svc = ResilienceProviderService.forRoot({
    resilience: {
      serviceName: 'r4t-test',
    redis: {
      redisHost: 'localhost',
      redisPort: 6379,
      redisPassword: 'pwd',
      redisUser: 'user',
      redisPrefix: 'r4t-test',
  await svc.start();



A PredicateBuilder is a function that takes in a Predicate and returns a Predicate. A Predicate is a function that takes in a Context and returns a boolean. In the context of a resilience4ts decorator, the Context is typically the result of the decorated function. PredicateBuilders are commonly used to create Predicates that check the result of the decorated function for a certain value, or to check the Context for a certain value. An example of this can be found in the @forts/resilience4ts-fallback module, where the optional shouldHandle property on the Fallback decorator config takes a PredicateBuilder to determine whether or not the fallback action should be executed based on the result of the decorated function.

import { 
} from '@forts/resilience4ts-core';
import { Fallback } from '@forts/resilience4ts-fallback';

const fallback = Fallback.of('my-fallback', {
  shouldHandle: new PredicateBuilder()
  fallbackAction: () => 'fallback',

const result = await fallback.on(async () => {
  // do something