Rate Limiter


Rate limiting is an imperative technique to prepare your API for scale and establish high availability and reliability of your service. But also, this technique comes with a whole bunch of different options of how to handle a detected limits surplus, or what type of requests you want to limit. You can simply decline this over limit request, or build a queue to execute them later or combine these two approaches in some way.

The @forts/resilience4ts-rate-limiter module provides strategies for Distributed and Instance-scoped rate limiting. The Distributed implementation is backed by Redis, and will work across multiple instances of your application. The Instance implementation will only limit the number of concurrent executions within a single instance of your application.


npm i @forts/resilience4ts-rate-limiter

Create and Configure a Rate Limiter

import { RateLimiter } from '@forts/resilience4ts-rate-limiter';

const rateLimiter = RateLimiter.of('my-rate-limiter', {
  permitLimit: 10,
  queueLimit: 1000,
  window: 1000,

const result = await rateLimiter.on(async () => {
  // do something


Config PropertyDefault ValueDescription
requestIdentifierFunction that returns a unique id for the call from the decorated function args.
permitLimit10Maximum number of permits to issue per window.
queueLimit1000Maximum number of requests to queue.
window1000Duration in milliseconds that a call is allowed to wait for a permit to be issued.
scopeRateLimiterStrategy.DistributedStrategy to use for rate limiting.